How would you describe how you play Rengar? Because I'm starting to go Jungle if I don't manage to claim my lane in time. And Rengar seems like a pretty fun choice (not because of your scores, although that is awesome) xD
I just see him dive bomb other players that pass through the jungle to go through lanes way too often in the game I play.
Rengar isn't worth it imo. If you die once before you start snowballing you are basically fucked all match.
(unless you get sword of the divine [gg adc])
For aggressive champs I would advise these:
Top lane: Renekton, Riven, Wukong(omfgsexymonkeycangoanywhere), and Darius.
Jungle: Hecarim, Lee Sin.
BOTH: Kha'zhix.
If you don't have Kha yet get him.
If you do bad as Kha then wtfhow.
He's a better top laner for sure. His jungle is pretty weak as he needs to snowball to do decently. You gotta be aggressive from the get go. I have an item template for Rengar, my start items is listed under "First Blood or AFK" which is the red pot + x3 pot start. You gotta go HAM and get fed or you will become useless.