Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
How would you describe how you play Rengar? Because I'm starting to go Jungle if I don't manage to claim my lane in time. And Rengar seems like a pretty fun choice (not because of your scores, although that is awesome) xD

I just see him dive bomb other players that pass through the jungle to go through lanes way too often in the game I play.

He's a better top laner for sure. His jungle is pretty weak as he needs to snowball to do decently. You gotta be aggressive from the get go. I have an item template for Rengar, my start items is listed under "First Blood or AFK" which is the red pot + x3 pot start. You gotta go HAM and get fed or you will become useless.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Hmm.. I do enjoy top lane the most, I'm normally Mundo or Yorick if I top, Veigar or Le Blanc if I mid, and if I have to go bot and WW, Cho or Nunu jungle. If I have to go bot, it's gg for the enemy xL

I'll try save up IP for Rengar, aggressive champions are just the most fun imo
Rengar isn't worth it imo. If you die once before you start snowballing you are basically fucked all match.
(unless you get sword of the divine [gg adc])

For aggressive champs I would advise these:

Top lane: Renekton, Riven, Wukong(omfgsexymonkeycangoanywhere), and Darius.
Jungle: Hecarim, Lee Sin.

BOTH: Kha'zhix.

If you don't have Kha yet get him.
If you do bad as Kha then wtfhow.
Last edited by m0nk3y8; Jul 1, 2013 at 03:48 PM.
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.
Starting to try poppy jungle. With the current meta of health stacking, she seems hella strong right now cause of her q doing % max health damage with 3 cd at max rank no cd reduc. Literally just get a sheen and then stack the fuck out of health to make up for her low base health. Her only negative in the current meta is the lack of aoe damage, but it seems to be fine if you just do what poppy does best and assassinate the adc.

Plus she's hilarious to play as cause everybody forgets her passive. Any damage that will bring me below 10% health is reduced by 50%. Which can lead to some hella trolling.
nyan :3
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Originally Posted by m0nk3y8 View Post
Rengar isn't worth it imo. If you die once before you start snowballing you are basically fucked all match.
(unless you get sword of the divine [gg adc])

For aggressive champs I would advise these:

Top lane: Renekton, Riven, Wukong(omfgsexymonkeycangoanywhere), and Darius.
Jungle: Hecarim, Lee Sin.

BOTH: Kha'zhix.

If you don't have Kha yet get him.
If you do bad as Kha then wtfhow.

You couldn't be more wrong about rengar, he is still really strong. He is one of the best splitpushers in the game, and he is absurdly good at just jumping in and removing someone from the enemy team.

Here is a match from the MLG tournament yesterday. Rengar gets shit on in lane by a kha'zix who goes for a golems + redpot start but still carries incredibly hard.

If you don't want to watch the whole thing, go ahead and skip to 18:15, rengar (45cs, just reached level 9, 40% hp) assassinates kha (90+ cs, half way to level 11, full hp). Skip to 24 minutes to see what a good rengar can do in teamfights.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
He's just a better tryndamere. Also, rengar is extremely strong right now for 2 reasons. People are just realizing how to triple q, which can obliterate any turret or adc. And, there's a bug right now that if you spam abilities after jumping on someone from ult, you can get multiple spells off without waiting the cd.
Originally Posted by Dr_Strangelove View Post
If you don't want to watch the whole thing, go ahead and skip to 18:15, rengar (45cs, just reached level 9, 40% hp) assassinates kha (90+ cs, half way to level 11, full hp). Skip to 24 minutes to see what a good rengar can do in teamfights.

i came.
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Originally Posted by j4nd0 View Post
He's a better top laner for sure. His jungle is pretty weak as he needs to snowball to do decently. You gotta be aggressive from the get go. I have an item template for Rengar, my start items is listed under "First Blood or AFK" which is the red pot + x3 pot start. You gotta go HAM and get fed or you will become useless.

There are two solid ways to go Rengar Top.
One would be max q first go full aggressive 21-9

and the other would be max w/e first go ful aggressive just 9-21 and build full cdr. Its both highly efficient.
tripple q horror. westrice rlly fukd him up there
I slowly start to enjoy the american scene more than the european. Games are far omre entertaining/fast and slowly but surely teams shift into a faster more efficient gpm meta.
Last edited by pinheads; Jul 1, 2013 at 07:34 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
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