Originally Posted by Slaugther View Post
That's not true. Their rank can invite, I've seen it myself.

Only first, second and third rank can send invitations as much as I know.
Oh, sorry. My mistake.
Also, only the first rank can kick a person out and/or change their title. Basically, the first rank can do anything.
The second rank can do everything mentioned above, other than kicking a person out.
So, yeah. Functions decrease for the person every time they rank down.
Frost is pretty cool
Nice avvy, Maylene. Maka <3
Started reading Soul Eater a while ago. Can't find number 3 in any book stores...
the winter's chill grips the air once again. the sun seems dimmer than before
the [Frost] has returned
Ok hi, I am the newly accepted member, I am expecting this clan would be better than the other previous clans I join (But not -Aperture that was awesome). I also hope to improve grammar. Also thanks for accepting because it's my first time to join an official clan.
"Isolate and Devour"
Congratulations on getting in, Cyber!
Anyways, it's still the beginning.
In order to join this, our, Fraternity,
you must make a video of yourself drinking hot, boiling tea.
Definitely not Josh Lintag
Originally Posted by GLaD0S View Post
Congratulations on getting in, Cyber!
Anyways, it's still the beginning.
In order to join this, our, Fraternity,
you must make a video of yourself drinking hot, boiling tea.

Pardon, I must make a video of me....drinking tea? You serious?
"Isolate and Devour"
No, he's not.
You'll need to drink it upside down, too.

Also, everyone probably noticed my inactivity; Well, some freeloading friends decided to stay at my house for 2 days, they're also using my computer for entertainment.
Though, they'll be gone by tomorrow, which will make me extremely happy.
Last edited by Kamura; Jul 12, 2012 at 03:19 PM.
Frost is pretty cool
I'm lucky enough to get a comp in my school.
Got lucky I guess.

Welcome CyberSub. Hope you stay for a long time.
free my melanin-enhanced fellow bobby shmurda
Kony's #1 Shooter
8:21 PM <duck> I'll touch your market all over

August Ames didn't die for this