Anyone interested in playing in the tf2 UGC Highlander tournament. I putting together a team but I need 8 people. Link for those interested:
Thanks monkey, your comment has made me realize that the internet will never be a proper way for intelligent life forms to communicate. You do realize that the pretty, colored text is a link to a webpage that describes everything in great detail.
But thats a link for those interested in competing... you didn't say that was a link for people wanting to find out more infomation about the thing.
Originally Posted by monkey296 View Post
But thats a link for those interested in competing... you didn't say that was a link for people wanting to find out more infomation about the thing.

Well.. The link did say "Welcome"..
Well, so far I have no one. I'll probably end up not entering. That or I'll join a random clan and hope for the best.