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I'm looking at ysome's signature, and it made me think. I Want to put this out there for all of you to answer.

What if pinnocio said, "my nose will grow now."
What would happen?
~You cannot say it does not exist until you see it~
Well first of all Zin I believe it's "Pinnochio" and second, I think his nose would grow because he is telling a lie since he has no way of knowing when his nose will grow, he has a wooden body so his ability to feel is not there. Unless of course he said a lie before he said this in which case he would be telling the truth as to demonstrate his weird power.
The clan seems to be slowing down in terms of weird discussions lately. I'm totally stoked by our new "officially unofficial" server, and I think that it's awesome that other clans are starting to get to know us and our capacity as not only a clan but also as a family, but the forum needs some love too.

All of that said, here are two creative thinking puzzles that I hope you bros would enjoy dissecting/interpreting:

1.) Adults are holding children, waiting their turn. The children are handed (one at a time, usually) to a man, who holds them while a woman shoots them. If the child is crying, the man tries to stop the crying before the child is shot.

2.) A woman tells her children to do something, but just one boy obeys. The woman says something to him, and he stomps away, sits down, and sulks.
If one were to analyze ysome's sig using logic, one would eventually reach a paradoxical deadlock.

Or ...

Pinocchio's nose WILL in fact grow; however, it will only do so perhaps a few seconds after he says "my nose will grow NOW". Looking at how the nose failed to grow at the intended time, Pinocchio inaverdently told a lie, which then leads to his nose growing.
Last edited by Trick; Apr 28, 2013 at 05:27 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Zinrius View Post
I'm looking at ysome's signature, and it made me think. I Want to put this out there for all of you to answer.

What if pinnocio said, "my nose will grow now."
What would happen?

His nose grows when he is under stress, it just so happens that lying causes him stress. (According to The Adventures of Pinocchio, not the Disney version.)

If, in fact, his nose does grow depending on the nature of the statement being true or not, then it is a paradox.

Originally Posted by Timeenator View Post
All of that said, here are two creative thinking puzzles that I hope you bros would enjoy dissecting/interpreting:

1.) Adults are holding children, waiting their turn. The children are handed (one at a time, usually) to a man, who holds them while a woman shoots them. If the child is crying, the man tries to stop the crying before the child is shot.

2.) A woman tells her children to do something, but just one boy obeys. The woman says something to him, and he stomps away, sits down, and sulks.

1. Not sure what the problem is here. I presume that the "shot" is referring to vaccination.

2. I'm terrible at these lateral thinking exercises, since it seems that they always involve wordplay, or something else which requires prior knowledge, to solve. Same problem with number 1, since the reader must know multiple meanings of the word "shoot".
Last edited by Wight; Apr 28, 2013 at 05:45 AM.

1. same answer as Death, I am not clever enough to think of something else...
2. I think that this is more up to interpretation since I imagine that if the woman tells her children to break the window with a brick and only one boy obeys, then she tells him he is grounded and that he's an idiot he will eventually stomp away, sit down and sulk...
I personally chose these puzzles because they are, for me at least, the most relatively unambiguous lateral thinking puzzles in my Logic 101 textbook.

My book didn't even give a formal answer for these puzzles, which might mean that the aim of the game (I think) is to come up with the most plausible and realistic interpretation for these puzzles excluding the most literal, to-the-letter, at-a-glance interpretation.
I have actually bro. It's a really interesting situation, in all honesty. I'm sorry if I wasn't able to respond to it sooner.

My two cents for your situation Mpk:
The revelation that humankind is (hypothetically) alien to this planet won't really make a huge dent in terms of how the world will function as it is. When suppossedly-native people living in countries find out that they were descended from foreigners, the news doesn't really devalue their sense of nationalism and belongingness with their country. More often than not, it actually strenghtens their collective sense of unity as being quasi-caretakers for the land they now call their home. Same thing applies to humans learning that they are not "100% made in Earth".
Also, here are my own interpretations for the lateral thinking puzzles that I gave:

1.) It's a normal day in a baby photography studio. Parents come in with their babies, queueing up and waiting for their turn. Once their turn comes, they hand their babies to the in-house staff. One of them holds the baby while the other "shoots" it with a camera. If the child starts crying, the staffer holding the baby tries as quickly as possible to pacify it. Crying babies, most often than not, don't make for good photos.

2.) A mother is playing "Simon Says" with her two sons.
Last edited by Trick; Apr 28, 2013 at 07:14 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump