View Poll Results: We want a name change, but should we change just the tag or the name and the tag?
Just the tag
17 Votes / 17.53%
Name and tag
34 Votes / 35.05%
I like the name and tag
46 Votes / 47.42%
Voters: 97. You may not vote on this poll
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sue him with fire. seriously though if your a policeman you shouldn't be able to detain people just because they look like someone
be happy you did nothing to the cop or you would regret it becuse you would be in more troble for assult and everyone would be convinced you were the outlaws btw can i have a picture of the outlaws and you and your brother whenever you can do that
So why is everyone leaving tha clan? We have had, in the past 2 weeks, 6 members so far leave. We have to be more active guys also. If we want to apply for Official we need to show we are a very active clan. I may be doing betting servers promoting Jolt again but, as of right now, i am broke. So if anyone wants to pitch in 1-2k then that will be swell. Or sledge can send 10k outta the clan bank, since this is for the clan.

Anyways thats all i have for now.



we are better than you
Well sadly we cant push everyone to become active because they got school or life things to do.
And we arent applying to official anytime soon.
Well, becoming official isn't our biggest worry. I think the problem is everyone leaves a clan without a legitimate reason, which saddens me. Also, we can do lots of things to increase our reputation, the more we have the likely we get into official. I'm not forcing anyone to be REALLY active, I understand you got lives to live in.

@Everyone: Do me a small favor for the clan, and at least just be in-game active at least for a day, or browse Toribash forums to chat with us. We want as many activity as possible, if we want to be offical, we gotta make it happen.

@Moataz: You think its best to start finding new mature players in-game ?
Haha! Ur mad!