I'm surprised by how good Rengar is in the jungle. Why do people say he isn't viable? His clearing times aren't half bad compared to some of the "good" junglers(jarvan, lee sin, elise), and his ganks post 6 are pretty much guaranteed kills, whereas pre-6, you're guaranteed to at least burn their flash. As for getting counterjungled, I got counterjungled by a lee sin earlier, and before he knew what was going on, I devoured his hp and my mid laner finished him off as he tried to run.
If you want to get out of bronze you have to get out of the mindset of a bronze player. I constantly see these "pro" players that brag about how good they are and don't get me wrong they usually have decent last hitting abilities and end up going decent at the end of the game but they always lose and that's because they are stuck in the mindset that every single wrong doing in the game is their teams fault and not theirs.
I don't care if you are one of those people and you genuinely think it's true but in solo queue you have to cooperate and act as a team as much as you can. That includes not spamming gg in all chat when your team gives first blood and all of the many things that people do.
Seriously though, attitude, biggest thing. Keep positive and be friendly with your team and you'll notice you will start to win more and more games.
(Also if you're smurfing and stuck in bronze you should really be able to decide the game more then it seems, play jungle or something that can help out every lane and if you actually know what you're doing you can easily control almost every lane)
Not my falt its just my alt I entered gold on my main from doing preseason