It's not even the bad udyrs. It's the cocky udyrs who are playing udyr to stomp the bad udyrs.
Seriously, jungled shyv, and we had double udyr top going on. Ours sucked balls, so I was camping the lane, and the enemy udyr started counting in all chat how many times I ganked him. After 10, I told him to buy some fucking wards if he didn't want me to come around. Never bought any wards, and he eventually started losing to our udyr because he would overextend, and every time I would be around to punish him for it. By the end of the game, he only had 100 gold more than our support and the least on his team. He also shut up after the 12th gank.
But he then blames the loss at the end of the game on his double adc bot, even though they both had more gold and more kills and assists than him, and dealt more damage than him, and had greater map presence than him, even though he had tele.
Moral of the story, nobody cares how good you are at udyr, and nobody cares how bad all the bad udyrs are. It's the fact that you think that you're better, when you're still a festering pile of shit at the game is what matters.
Also, our udyr was a bro. Totally calm and nice through out the game, and he played the lane smart, albeit poorly. 11/10, would camp his lane again.