Originally Posted by KungFuJC View Post
The massive geek behind this handsome exterior was about to shout Japan.. when the brain gave him a slap.

I would say Home is the best place to go to. Home how ever isn't the house you live in... Home is your comfort zone, the place your most relaxed, the place your are most welcome, the saying 'home is where the heart is' is too true, whether that be with your gene family or your family of friends.
To me in a way Home is my skateboard, my comfort zone, where I feel most relaxed, where I like to return to most.

Of course you don't have to apply my elaborate metaphorical spirituality to everything.... These are only my answers. They say that the truth is different for each person... for you home may be as meaningless as the planet you walk on.

On a side note I'd like to end up some where with lots of mountains, trees, less city ness.... but still have lots of concrete about to skate on.

On the other hand if your genuinely looking for somewhere to go, I would not recommend Britain. Barcelona is pretty sweet to skate, but otherwise is just a collection of people trying to sell you hasheesh.
I'd like to visit places in Italy and Greece, like Venice and such... mainly for the architecture. And of course Japan.

Every time you post an answer, my head hurts....
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
Originally Posted by sagimeir2 View Post
and make me co leader

That is getting annoying, just let Art and TP decide...
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
Originally Posted by TomPaine View Post
If I want to be rich one day what would be the smartest thing to do now?

hmmm see what I would consider rich would be a stable relationship, a fun job and good friends.
Although for lots of dosh I would say specialize in something, start early so that by the time your an adult-adult, n I don't just mean 18+, you've become really experienced in it.

For example I keep pestering my little sister to start a hobby or something while shes still in school so that by the time shes left school she has something shes spent years on and has become awesome at.
I see school as bonus years in a prelude to being an adult because you've got no bills to pay, free accommodation, food, clothes. So if instead of mindlessly wasting those years dossing about getting stoned, you spend thing leveling up aswell so that by the time your leaving school you've got so much "x.p." in something else that everyone else lacks.

Picture 5years from now, what do you want to be awesome at? what ever it is start practicing it now and even tho your shit, you'l be awesome in 5 years time.

Hmmm although that's not a secured way of getting rich, you'l feel rich for being able to say your awesome at something.

Or get a career that involves computers, did you know the Games Industry is Epicly bigger than the film industry... Why be a rich actor when you could be a rich geek?
Last edited by KungFuJC; Oct 23, 2009 at 09:26 PM.
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