Originally Posted by
Personally, I'm all for gay marriage and adoption.
However, as being catholic, I am bound by the bible.
In the bible, the book of leviticus states that all men who sleep with other men must be put to death. Yeah, harsh. I don't even know why they keep it in there. It totally goes against the ten commandments.
/christian apologist mode activate
The claim that by ordering so many groups of people to be killed god is forcing his followers to break his commandments is fallacious because, as we all know, if god orders someone's death that person is convicted. Killing him would not be murder, but err....mere execution. Therefore, "thou shalt not murder" doesn't apply to those instances.
/christian apologist mode off
On a more serious note, it never says in the bible that homosexuals must not get married. It jsut says to kill them, but hey - that's a completely different thing.
Last edited by Odlov; Jan 4, 2010 at 10:28 PM.