What about a trade for my 3rd dan account with hot pink emote and hot pink torso for:
demo blood
demo ghost
demo emote
warrior user text
warrior grip
warrior timer
Toxic force - 10k
Shaman force - 10k
Supernova force - 10k
Plasma relaxes - 20k (10k each)
vampire relax - 2k
acid relax - 4k
Right Hand Texture Trail and Left Leg Texture Trail, i'm interested in. I can give you a Sapphire Force for both.
im guessing this will be a no but its worth a try 3.5k platinum blood and rh, lh, rf, lf, plasma trails plasma grip plasma dq aqua relax aqua dq gaia relax and thats all for hunter relax
k send me platinum force /amber force /full chronoc
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