people dont smoke because they have a problem , your completly wrong.

._. its not like a mentally challenge person smokes or what not.
smokeing is just a choice that a person takes , influence or not its still its own act, and not because they have a problem
Originally Posted by Hesr View Post
Those sounds like you have pretty weird friends. Myself do not smoke. People who smoke, smoke because they have a problem.

Smokers do have a problem, but its just stupid to say gamers arn't smokers.

The 2 are completely unrelated.
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
Originally Posted by Reanimator View Post
I act like the idiot I can't act like in real life. This serves as a vent for me. I don't feel the need to embellish my life because all I do here is act stupid. Theres no need for me to sound cooler because I probably will never ever meet any of you.

^^Exactly this.

I am the coolest person ever in real life, but online, I'm crazy.
Like a lot of people on the internet, I'm kind of a "creep" and a "weirdo" in irl. I'm the guy you let sit at your table as long as he doesn't say anything stupid. I'm practically mute. The internet makes me feel like an equal.
In real life, I feel intellectually superior to everyone around me. Maybe it's because I live in south Louisiana. Online, I feel I can express my vocabulary without confusing everyone, etc.

Oh, and I can express my opinions online without getting lynched.
I act the same in real life as online, i do word things differently obviously, but i still act the same, i tell shitty jokes just like in real life, and post on pointless threads, and discuss pointless things in real life.
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i'm half retarded per se so i don't have the mental capacity to be any different than i am in real life
i tend to be the weird kid who's really funny but nobody actually knows him
You would not think I would be the person who plays games. Well maybe a little bit but not to much.'
Originally Posted by Shemen View Post
people dont smoke because they have a problem , your completly wrong.

._. its not like a mentally challenge person smokes or what not.
smokeing is just a choice that a person takes , influence or not its still its own act, and not because they have a problem

Yeah thats true, I think people are just overly sensitive nowadays because, its not like someone else smoking is anybody else's problem, its their choice and like you said its not like people smoke because they're mentally challenged, sure a few people who are mentally challenged may smoke but its unrelated, I have friends who smoke, and used to have a girlfriend who smoked and all of them (maybe excluding my ex) are not mentally challenged in any way.
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