Re: Tell a funny story about yourself.
Me and my friend were one time out in his backyard messing around with a pickaxe and a wheel barrel frozen all the way through to a big block of ice, and so he takes the wide end of the Pick axe and comes down on it with all of his force, and a small, but sharp chunk of ice flies out of the chunk, and lacerates the side of my face.

If lacerate means cut.
Re: Tell a funny story about yourself.
Originally Posted by Insanemuffin
This one time i was skating and i hit a rock and fell on my face and broke my nose infront of my gurl freind lol.

and there was this time i was kissing this gurl and her boyfreind walk up. lol guess wat hapeend next....

*kabam!* Punched in the nose, kicked in the balls (if your a boy that is), got kicked really hard, ummmm....anything else?
Re: Tell a funny story about yourself.
Originally Posted by skinnydude908
Originally Posted by Insanemuffin
This one time i was skating and i hit a rock and fell on my face and broke my nose infront of my gurl freind lol.

and there was this time i was kissing this gurl and her boyfreind walk up. lol guess wat hapeend next....

*kabam!* Punched in the nose, kicked in the balls (if your a boy that is), got kicked really hard, ummmm....anything else?

Honestly, What girl has a girl friend? Or What Girl usually makes out with other girls? I mean, I personally know, but we probably shouldn't go into detail on that.
Re: Tell a funny story about yourself.
oh oh i have one.

When i was 7 i stayed at my mates house for a sleepover. halfway though the night i got up to go for a pee. but i went into the wrong room and walked into my mates brother's bed. didnt half wake him up
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Re: Tell a funny story about yourself.
I was wrestling and had a full blader(see where this is going...). It was a tripple thret match and i got punched there in the blader. Next thing I knew my pants were down(i got snaged on a lock for to hold the ring together) and i pissed my self! lucky for me I was not doing the show and it was a pratice match!
Re: Tell a funny story about yourself.
Once I was walking back to my house from the local library and I happened to spot a puppy in the front yard of a house I was walking by. I bent down to pet the puppy and when I did, some old guy with a big grey beard who was naked and holding a shotgun charged out of the front door of the house, screaming at me in German. I ran like hell back to my house and locked all the doors and windows and hid in my closet. I stayed in that closet for half an hour.......
Re: Tell a funny story about yourself.
Here's 1:

My cousin was playing Mario Sunshine and he was in a level for long time, and when he reached the end the level gamecube buged and turned of, we laughed out a loud(lol).
Re: Tell a funny story about yourself.
Once I had almost beaten Super Mario 64 without saving once, but then my cat stepped on the reset button.....
Re: Tell a funny story about yourself.
thats what the save button is for *tsk*tsk*tsk* *shakes head and lauphs under breath*