Hello 2018. Can anyone tell me if these scripts are still the best for the most control for video making? And are they put into some sticky thread as a resource for video makers? Are my scripts still functional or has new versions broke them?
Also, anecdotes of reminiscing while I'm here. I really don't remember making FreeCam like it was a big deal, but I knew it was going to be different. At the time, you could fly the camera around by keys/hand/mouse, but there was no way to make preset paths to record. I knew there was code and the camera could do it. So I wanted to make a new video (inq clan video), and I made the script for it. That was all.
And then War_Hero made bezier cam. It was smoother, but no save features. I wished there was a better script with the best of both our scripts. Then I broke my arm and I had a few weeks off to recover. With nothing to do, I wanted to make my wish to become real. So, thanks to War_Hero, I had the idea to make a better cam.
Last edited by FNugget; Jan 18, 2018 at 05:39 AM.