He's not cool, and yet many celebrities worship him.
Like Katy Perry, Kanye West, Lebron James, Lady Gaga (Obviously), and unbelievably, Michael Jackson's early career.
Michael Jackson fights him with his music videos and I believe he is a Muslim.
Do you have any proofs for this? :/
It seems rather hard to believe that anyone would like these persons if they were worshiping the devil, and the would kinda ruin their career.
I don't really believe this, but you might be able to convince me with some proofs.
Originally Posted by Hetauma
Satan is cool because he is so hot!
Guys, please stop this madness.
Originally Posted by DooomByte
Satan is cool because he wears shades and he makes us do whatever we want!
Originally Posted by Luminusian
He's cool because he punishes bad people. ;o
Er, so He says.
doesnt that make him the good guy
Satan doesn't punish the bad people. God punishes them by sending them to Satan, and Satan's place sucks.
Originally Posted by 2worlds
This is what he does
Why would someone fight the power, if the power is doing what is best for you? People "fighting the power", usually fights it because it is not optimal.
Originally Posted by sunchaos
satan is a father figure for most teenagers. he comforts them, takes care of them, corrupts their music, and kills them.
How the heck does he take care of them?
Originally Posted by God
I think he is cool.The evil part but the insulting God stuff..Uncool.I actualy feel sorry for him but he had his chance.I'll kill him.
Wait, what?
You think he's cool, then you feel sorry for him, then you want to kill him?
That doesn't make any sense..
Last edited by Ferras; Jul 4, 2011 at 01:20 AM.
Reason: Quote added
I sell TC and I give loans. PM me for info. Need help with market? PM Ryan
<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.
Personaly i dont think he's cool at all, but I've experienced that many teenagers etc. thinks he is. You also see Satans handsign in for example the rock music. So why do you think he is cool/uncool?
Satan is cool (im not saying he is cool) because teenagers these days are blaiming god for letting them get raped or for whatever tragedy. So they go emo and start going out late nights to make 6 stars? and dance around fires to worship him. Their like his pawns in a game of chess,he cares for them well he acts like he cares for them, and he tells them bad thing about god if god even has anything bad about himself,and tells them to serve him like tiger woods with his mistress's
Last edited by PinkwafflesFTW; Jul 12, 2011 at 06:26 AM.
Satan is cool (im not saying he is cool) because teenagers these days are blaiming god for letting them get raped or for whatever tragedy. So they go emo and start going out late nights to make 6 stars? and dance around fires to worship him. Their like his pawns in a game of chess,he cares for them well he acts like he cares for them, and he tells them bad thing about god if god even has anything bad about himself,and tells them to serve him like tiger woods with his mistress's
seems like someone doesn't know who he is but knows his name.you should know yourself and what you have done to the children >=(.which you did a really good kjob at.
Last edited by PinkwafflesFTW; Jul 12, 2011 at 06:51 AM.