Originally Posted by
Try beating Twilight Princess, or even the Metroid Prime series. I doubt you can do it under 20 hours.
Seriously! 20 hours? Wow, either I'm good at video games or your new to this (
VERY new). I beat twilight under 12 hours (with all heart containers, maxed out ruppees, all items, ect.) and all of those metroid games (mostly Prime series) took me less than ten hours (includes all extra health, items, missle expansions, ect.). The only few games that took more than
15 hours is probaly those great nintendo 64 games (though I played those when I was seven.)
Except Brawl, took me 17 hours
Also bioshock is an awsome game. Lot of people should go for Xbox 360. Plus side to Xbox is the acheivments you can unlock (which was what I ment by "beating" the xbox games)
Last edited by huntersylx; Mar 18, 2008 at 11:38 PM.