Christmas Lottery
Same, and i garuentee we've all spelt our fate by making this a topic and discussing it, unfortunatly.
collect snots from the nose
Originally Posted by MrPoptart View Post
I hate when people randomly go though threads and - rep everyone, or people that go though threads and +rep everyone and leave their name so you +rep them back... like desertpunk...

Exactly. I confronted him about it. He said "I dont just do it randomly, I do it to people who are nice." But, he reps random posts and even says, "you got random +3 rep!"
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around
I got neg rep for a noob who told me to use the search button even when I did and he obviously didnt LOL, all the noobs that want to act all big....shame
I also got a grey one with nothing, I wonder how the points system works because some give me one point others like 3 and some +rep 0 points

not quite sure not really botherd though
Every new account starts with 10 rep points.
9 or less = 0
10 rep points = 1 point given for each rep
20 = 2
30 = 3
and so on...

when you give -rep you are required to type at least 1 character, so if you got a gray rep that says nothing, that means some one with less then 10 points gave you a +rep.