View Poll Results: Atic as another leader.
5 Votes / 26.32%
14 Votes / 73.68%
Voters: 19. You may not vote on this poll
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Huge Matheus statue with many hands and on each hand there is 1 member.
(Me and Milk on same hand <3)
It represents that we are one.

Kinda like that.
Oh christ, i gotto make my tori up fast now.
It's All About Expansion
Okay, but there'll be not elite members, just who has founded, who has modpower, and who has joined in this wonderful clan. Going to study, whether any co-leader to can move it to info center, I'd be grateful.

Just one more thing, Razasha, or Yiazmat, sorry for doing you slave but, somebody could do a banner similar to the Yiazmat's ground? Yiazmat was brilliant doing that.
What's a mermberlist?
And why do we need elite members?
ranks are a bit gay.
parai com activamento de coutinho decunfiado com estraça que brila enquanto rebolade de carro do pinto do nada
Originally Posted by Milk View Post
Make [One] shop [ ]
Host 10 ingame tournaments [ ]
Host 20 ingame tournaments [ ]
Host 3 forum tournaments [ ]
Host 10 forum tournaments [ ]
Sexes Redundant and destroy his market [ ]
Win 10 clan wars [ ]
Make a clan video [ ]
Raise 200k on our bank accont [ ]
Raise 300k on our bank accont [ ]
Slaps Danzos around a bit with a large trout [ ]
Rape the Clan [Clan]Clan [x]
Reach 2nd position on toriclans list [ ]
Reach 1st position on toriclans list [ ]

That's it, let's try to reach everything on this whole list.

I Lol'd
Forgot to add sexes Azuma, thanks to make me remember.
parai com activamento de coutinho decunfiado com estraça que brila enquanto rebolade de carro do pinto do nada
'n shiz, single allie or clan allies or both?
parai com activamento de coutinho decunfiado com estraça que brila enquanto rebolade de carro do pinto do nada
Originally Posted by pal View Post
A big glowy 1 as a statue and everyone (us, from one) around it doing anything.

I suggest a wild orgy.
Try making a [one] version of a wibbles thread. So everyone can direct theyre stupidity there instead of other importiant threads.

Unless your just trying to avoid it in general. In that case...god help you.