BTW, why do you consider it a bad thing not looking like a nerd?
Wolf my dear, we must stay loyal to ourselves. And what we truly are deep down.
Kaela update? :3
So ever since my plan didn't work (I forgot to post, but what happened is we talked a lot, but I never got around to asking for it), I have been talking to her a lot :o
Like in our 1st hour friends group, instead of going back there to join them, she just turns around in her chair and just us two talk. For like all week, and yesterday.
So today we were doing group work. And we had most of the group working together, based around our two desks. So behind us the OTHER two people are talking about cell phone numbers. Luckiest break ever for me. So I keep the convo going by jumping into it, and without even asking, Kaela writes her number down on my paper. Score much? So lesbian or not "bitch plz, i got dis sheet"
So yeah. I have her in my contacts and will text her sometime later tonight. Woohoo.