Originally Posted by WeKillYouQuick View Post
? y?

This post that you have posted is one of the reasons why. You are spamming to ask why I do not want you into our clan. Also, most of the posts you have are in this thread, which is pretty sad if you say that you are active in the forums as well as the game. Also, you have yet to wow me with maturity or a good application in this thread. If you came back a little later and apply once more, and you can do it in a free form style, with actual sentences, then I will have to reconsider.
hi im kevin
im a black belt
im good at judo-table knifefight
im ok in the forums
im ingame alot
ok thats all i can think of
when i say ok i mean i check alot
Last edited by kevin420; Oct 8, 2011 at 04:13 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump