nice, how did you build her? haha
also noah what role do you want to play? (support, jungle, adc, etc.)
Wanna play some [CHESS]? <3
I remember I got a ninja tabi, then an warmog's and an atma's, also my score was 4/8. Lol. They surrender 'cause mf was 2stronk and they were always 3v1'ing and I was always going alone 'cause I felt like darius.

Aalso, nice noah, I can play almost all the roles, except for mid and support, I'm just pure shit at those.
I can do everything but adc... i think I could if I tried to learn it but it's just too much of a hassle and malphite top is too fun
Wanna play some [CHESS]? <3
It's funny because this thread was never alive.
This is pretty much an extended conversation between Aoc and I.
daddy kill the spider