I remember every single replay, noah.
Except for the ones that aren't with me
I liked all of them because we both agreed to use interesting mods and we worked well with them.
You were more fluent than me on jumptest1.tbm because I wasn't taking it seriously. I was just trying to see if all of the objects were stable.
Also yes, I do have a fast style, small steps, and lots of momentum to swing.
I liked the ninja warrior one where you were sparring and hanging from objects. Along with the one where you were hitting each other while running. I didn't have the mod to omega fell down and fractured his neck & elbow. Did that really happen?
Man, this is alot of CnC. I don't even know how to do this anymore.
The parkour tag with dez was interesting. After the vault and 180 I was expecting a cork.
Do a cerk
The backflips were way too slow, but I'm not saying you need to be like me.
The assassin chase one was short because I was eating pizza and was going very slow and got bored, but it was looking interesting. Everything wasn't so quick and fun to watch, but it was cool. Let's do it again.
I'm not proud of the unproductive skating replay. But you did good. I don't know how to do that.
asdf I'm done. Here's my first things and tricking
Did I CnC right