I know im not a member anymore but i have to say this. F4R3 is a scammer. He tried to scam my brother (Burned21) out of his almost full 128x128 two times. Im not sure if my vote counts here anymore, but im sure my opinion will be appreciated.
People HATE when sentences don't end the way they

Age: 14
Belt: 4th dan black belt
Activity on forum: 1 hour atleast a day.
Activity in game: atleast 2 hours a day (times may vary)
Past clans : Entity (died) and was in Yakuza (#1 clan) back in the day..
Infractions : none
Global rank: 456 (at this very moment)
Most favorite mod : Running.tbm ( modrank 4 ) > Mushu.tbm
Least favorite mod : Judo (white belt can kick my ass)
What can i bring to the clan?: I am willing to train people in the mods i am best at, donate to the clan when i can, and most of all, fight as a (Pure)!
Last edited by eregonv1; Jan 24, 2013 at 04:06 AM. Reason: adding on more stuffs
Life is like glass, It can be broken, but it is repairable, with care, and time. -eregonv1
Originally Posted by eregonv1 View Post
Age: 14
Belt: 4th dan black belt
Activity on forum: 1 hour atleast a day.
Activity in game: atleast 2 hours a day (times may vary)
Past clans : Entity (died) and was in Yakuza (#1 clan) back in the day..
Infractions : none
Global rank: 456 (at this very moment)
Most favorite mod : Running.tbm ( modrank 4 ) > Mushu.tbm
Least favorite mod : Judo (white belt can kick my ass)
What can i bring to the clan?: I am willing to train people in the mods i am best at, donate to the clan when i can, and most of all, fight as a (Pure)!

I say yes.

I love your app and you say humbly you're not perfect, you can fix your activity yourself.

Any other votes?
Opinon: Please add to the apps to like include 3 replays each

Yes to eregonv
I'm ready for my daily dose of cringe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Forum activity:2hours
In game:20 hours
Reason i want to join:i think its better than other clans
Look at this cat and it will melt your heart and give me tc. :P
Originally Posted by rocker168 View Post
Forum activity:2hours
In game:20 hours
Reason i want to join:i think its better than other clans

I say no. You barely put any effort into it, and you seem like you have bad forum activity, looking at that post count and that answer.

I'm sorry but your application has been auto Rejected For several meaningful reasons.

Good day.
belt: 2nd dan
hours on toribash: 12-17
why you wanna join Pure: because My last clan [Pro] died because are leader betrayed us and theres no one to let me in their clans
past bans:0
past infractions: 1 (asking a clan to be their allies)

please let me in>?

Attached Files
Awesss.rpl (38.5 KB, 6 views)
Break The Uke.rpl (13.9 KB, 5 views)
Close.rpl (97.6 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by Mist; Feb 2, 2013 at 08:17 AM.
~#1 Shittiest Shitposter of TP 2016~
Ex Co-Leader of Origin
You are pretty good, Why were you infractioned and I would like to see one replay of you
I'm ready for my daily dose of cringe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)