Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Clux View Post
Staying healthy is one of the best ways to lengthen a life span, better?

Yes, A lot better.
Another way is being happy and contented, and also that way you can live your life to the fullest.
Originally Posted by Clux View Post
Another way is being happy and contented, and also that way you can live your life to the fullest.

Have you heard the saying "Time goes faste when your having fun"

Look At This Clux

Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post
Seriously, can we stop with the touchy-feely "oh but living a long time isn't really living, you have to find happiness and pleasure" stuff? That's not what the discussion is about, and it stopped being insightful th- Actually, it wasn't insightful to begin with. Seriously, cut it out.

Deleting stupid posts.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
Honestly, travelling place to place taking more time will somehow get you to live longer? That's stupid on all levels. Keep in mind back then that you could get attacked by a fucking bear on your way to the next town, or robbed by bandits. Add in the polio and smallpox that you inevitably have from the lack of modern medicine and sanitation and you've got a recipe for a short life.

Why do people have this stupid belief that the "old ways" are somehow better? Seriously people, use your brain. It's like the idiots who believe homogenized milk is bad for you. Sure, go ahead and drink your untreated milk and get the diseases that we eliminated centuries ago. We'll be waiting in the E.R. room with the modern medicine necessary to stop you from pooping out your guts.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I think people can live atleast over 150 years if we train 5 hours in every week every year and eat healthy they can make it.But over millions of people eats unhealthy even i eat unhealthy food and healthy. but the doctors try to make medecine to make us live longer.
Last edited by mortpard; Mar 4, 2013 at 04:52 PM. Reason: just cause if need more to add
Yes, some say when it's your time, it's your time, but that just depends on the person, by practicing healthy lifestyle.
I wuv wuffles :3
Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post
Normally I am a paragon of understanding and tolerance, but unless you can substantiate your claims I'm going to ask you to please get out and let the big boys talk.

I applaud you for that, I really do.

Well an interesting test would be to give someone a diet of filtered water for their entire life and someone similar (in age, gender, body proportions) perhaps a twin, ordinary tap water and make a comparison on who lives longer and is basically healthier throughout their life. Their location would obviously be a huge variable because of the amount of bacteria in some countries.
Dose is dead.
i heard cancer cells have unlimited life span, so if we can use this feature on couple with periodic blood cleaning to keep junk aywa and don't block anything, i belive our lifespan can be unlimited, even tho it will never happen.