Hiirn - nothx
Kooper - 21k
jclark - Read the front page. I'm getting tired of telling people this.
Pamaaj - 20k min on qs lax.

Also, please put [B] or [S] by your offer so I know if you're buying or selling.
My deactivated. Tell me what you want and I will give you the price.
Sparky is a 317 pound Hump-Back Whale
Uh, no. Sorry. But the 512 right hand text I'd sell for 18k alone. XD
Sparky is a 317 pound Hump-Back Whale
Lol. No. That's what 512 heads go for. Hands are not nearly as popular.

i'd give you 2.5k for the joints, and 15.5k for the hand if you'd be interested. Just post here or PM me if you change your mind.
17k, no less, for the hand. I will also only do 3k for that other stuff.
Sparky is a 317 pound Hump-Back Whale