Name: (Ingame) Astralword (RL) Rick
Belt: Black
Nicks: Astra Astral (When I Was Still In Venom) Venom
Fav Mods: Mushu, Wushu (Sometimes), Judo, Aikido, ABD, Twinswords, and Jousting
I left Venom because no one was there except for 2 people counting me.
Why I want to join Bomb Squad: Bombs why not also i see aikido and i`m like finally a clan that has 1 of my favorite mods in it and i wanna be part of a great clan!
Age: 21
I have never been banned
I also have some replays that i failed to do but i was able to scrap up some
Anyways, I hope you can accept me into the clan i`ll really appreciate it!