terrible grammar. Not much forum experience. And for some reason stay in a clan that has been dead for over a year. Sorry mate it's a no. You can apply again in a week. And if you do, please use proper grammar and leave the dead clan. Thanks
Name: (Ingame) Astralword (RL) Rick

Belt: Black

Nicks: Astra Astral (When I Was Still In Venom) Venom

Fav Mods: Mushu, Wushu (Sometimes), Judo, Aikido, ABD, Twinswords, and Jousting

I left Venom because no one was there except for 2 people counting me.

Why I want to join Bomb Squad: Bombs why not also i see aikido and i`m like finally a clan that has 1 of my favorite mods in it and i wanna be part of a great clan!

Age: 21

I have never been banned

I also have some replays that i failed to do but i was able to scrap up some

Anyways, I hope you can accept me into the clan i`ll really appreciate it!
Astral, your app is still lacking and what's more is that your still forgetting some parts of the application guide lines. I can't deny that this app is better than your old one but I still say no.
I am an Otaku, I am Neet Employed, I am... NYAN GOD!!!!
yeah I say the same as Riot. You need more to your app. Take like 15 minutes on it and make it nice!

Sorry dude, denied.
Guys either accept me or not i sent 2 apps if u won`t accept me then i`ll move on ik sled wants me a ton and i gave u all my info i told sled the last part of info. i think i`ll be good, it wasnt this hard to get into Venom.
I'm just gonna let Sledg respond to that astral, we gave you our answer and you put that in return? Shame...
I am an Otaku, I am Neet Employed, I am... NYAN GOD!!!!
yeah man, I think it is time to move on then. You were nice, but you needed to improve on your ingame skills. Also why we kept saying no to the apps is they look like they took no effort. All we ask is a simple yet readable app with all the info in the app guidline. And you couldn't give us that. As Riot said, it's a shame.. :/
good luck with the clan search
Last edited by sledgren; Aug 26, 2014 at 04:58 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by GregFights View Post
Belt:Blue Belt
Any previous clans and why you left them:N/A
Why Bomb Squad: I've been looking for a clan for a while.
How you can better us as a clan:I love to try out new finds, and have witnesses.
Favorite mods:Jesuscopter, Aikido
Any bans/infraction:N/A
Something about yourself:I am from New Zealand, And i am friends with one of you clan members, NerdMyke.

I vote yes seems like it was well made
Belt:Blue Belt
Any previous clans and why you left them:N/A
Why Bomb Squad: I've been looking for a clan for a while.
How you can better us as a clan:I love to try out new finds, and have witnesses.
Favorite mods:Jesuscopter, Aikido
Any bans/infraction:N/A
Something about yourself:I am from New Zealand, And i am friends with one of you clan members, NerdMyke.
Name: DarkEmperor
Nic: you decide ...
Belt: blue
Age: 14
Any previous clans and why you left them: never been in a clan
Why Bomb Squad: first i found > first that accepted my blue belt (talked with slendgren)
How you can better us as a clan: seriously that i dunno .... i dont have much skill and still learning things and im mostly into the fun ._.
Favorite mods: gt-boxing. aikido. judo, twinsword4fixed, gt-sword, artillery
Any bans/infraction: aside (dunno if its correct) from arguing with a false staff member, no bans and infractions (for me that wasnt an infraction since he came to annoy us)
Something about yourself: like doing handball, have to help my father (reason i cant be on for long except at night when they asleep), play all kinds of game but i preffer fantasy and brawling mmorpg's (P.S im portuguese ._.)