Ty i keep it mind. 1 new wip and the complete one,be sure to CnC and rate ur favourite.
p.s. the opener is made by Conpoud/Matt
Attached Files
#NICK - Manipuke.rpl (240.5 KB, 13 views)
#NICK - Manipuke V2 Wippy.rpl (110.2 KB, 13 views)
On both of them, re-edit on frame 430.

I think you'd have a better chance on continuing the manip with the second one since you basically stop uke from spinning on the first one. :l
tsu tsu cuckoo
Ty Tsuion i keep in mind and i'll try it in those days when i have time and ty gekiz00,u were better than me btw
now i came back to the "Lemme try" replay for continue the manipulation,it didn't went well but it's short and it contains just a decap but hope u will enjoy it.
the second replay is a really short replay with a decap but it has to be watched.
Have fun with the CnC
Attached Files
#NICK - Mooba.rpl (176.6 KB, 12 views)
#NICK - Pal.rpl (62.6 KB, 12 views)
Last edited by NICOLAS135; Jul 1, 2015 at 10:22 PM.
Ok i'm here under the ------ lline cuz i can with a -9 gravity manipulation replay wip(i guess in the last 300 frames the speed is very cool).
Now i add some turnframes for the madman after the grab in the torso of Uke enjoy guys.
Attached Files
I'll see your replay when I'm on the computer but please cnc mah replays. My views went down :c
static | toad (ormo) max | haku
Hey i'm back fuu it's been a long time eh,that's a spar with GizodudE if someone is blind and can't read the title .-. hf with the CnCs,
Attached Files
#NICK - Sparring with Gizo V1.rpl (593.5 KB, 14 views)
I am Roone, and I am here to CnCoone.

-Manip was abit too long and was too relaxed for my taste.
-The DM's we're a bit sloppy.

-You're flow is quite good.
-Just work on your hits.