the man behind the mask obviously is.... hulk30000
his first slip was using the same set, he bought the set from advens. An artist who's sets rarely get around often, I knew hulk never sold the set like shit is near impossible to sell.
His other mistake was changing his name like wtf hulk30000 is way better but still onwards.
he was still in the german group now not many german fellows out there do much trading so I knew it was a german guy with hulks set so this is either a friend of hulks.
now the screenshot got me off track a little but IPs are simple little pieces of shits that can change by accident or purposely. All it takes is a change of location, Internet provider or resetting your router. (theres also vpns but like who the fuck can be arsed to do that shit). this evidence was clearly irrelevant to whether or not he was hulk so ignore that shitty screenshot.
now the final piece of cake that made me know once and for all this was hulk was his past posts, only hulk has this thin of a skin to get salty so easily that and his posts are just outright shit but still, he has a few support posts now everyone knows you need screenshots, he had to take at least one screenshot with his name showing so we had to go hunting. Luckily enough it was one of his first support posts.
in the screenshot we see that it was taken by green name hulk, he could be op but still this is enough.
hulk was the only person reacting to what idle was saying and how many fucking germans do you know from Asu especially german 10th dans wearing hulks ex set cause I'll tell you something thats pretty small
Another mystery solved gang
Last edited by RedPanda; May 17, 2015 at 02:43 AM.