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I'm on the fence whether to buy fifa18 once it comes out or not. I'm pretty shit at fifa but it's relatively fun to play online, even if you lose a lot and since pretty much everyone jumps the ship to the newest version, sticking with older ones is pointless. There are two major issues I have with current gen fifa17 - netcode and premier league being way too stronk when playing with cheap(er) squads.
Netcode/EA servers are shit - usually 1 out of every 3 matches is lagging quite a bit and sometimes you just disconnects for no reason at all, which, if game determined was somehow your fault (feels like a coin toss every single time), results in a instaloss.
As for the squads, the OPness of cheap EPL squads is off the scale - for 100k coins you can build a team that will play better than La Liga squad worth half a million. I recently sold all of my la liga players after several shitty losses to cheap EPL squads, got a bit over 600k coins for it, built EPL squad for 200k coins and started losing less. Fight fire with fire, I guess.