1. Name: Bartek
2. Age: 12
3. Describe yourself ;)
(Include hobbies,jobs,general preferences and pasttimes) : My hobbies are play computers, Watching movies
4. Ingame/Forum activity: forum 3/9 ingame
5. Previous clans and reasons for leaving: Mythical element and not very active
6. Any bans/infractions? Why?: never
7. Best/favorite mods: aikido big dojo
8. Your skype
(one of the main forms of communication in the clan):
Unfortunately not
9.Why choose Laws Of Entropy? Indulge us on your thoughts:
And finally,your GMT,which is very important. I noticed that entropy is an active clan
Zalobowany is online now Report Post
Hello my name is Tehcooki. I have an alt that is a Blackbelt here http://forum.toribash.com/member.php?u=559248. I am using this account because I was inactive for a while and wanted to relearn the game when I came back. I am currently 17. I am a male and a Junior in Highschool. I don't have a job yet but I am expecting to get one within the next few years. I almost never use the forums but I will be willing to use them more if this is a clan that requires me to. I spend usualy 30 minutes to a few hours on Toribash daily but once in a full moon I will skip a day of playtime in toribash. I have never been in a clan. I have never been banned or have had any infractions. My favorite mods are probably Judo, Akido, and Taekkyon. I have a skype account called Mehcooki. I have fought other players from this clan (EvolvedER and xxnemoxx) and I wanted to join a group that has players as skilled as them. Although you may not find this to be a decent answer, I just want to be a part of a strong clan that I can spar with and participate in wars with. I plan on being in this clan in order to become more skilled at the game than I currently am. I also apologize if I am not as good as the others, I still am a little rusty and no where near as good as I was when I used my account Mehcooki. My GMT is GMT -5:00.
If you doubt that my alt is indeed Mehcooki then pm Mehcooki and I will reply to you as fast as I can.
Thank you for listening to my request