Originally Posted by Grohenbird View Post
The best weapon is the one you like the most.

I can/have adjusted to nearly every weapon class in the game. Never the less, specific weapons work across the board in terms of raw damage/resistances/speed. The same way some weapons are better equipped for pvp. Yes, you can use any weapon and be successful, but a claymore works better then a broken straight sword.

(I would, however, recommend taking a broken straight sword +# into pvp, its actually pretty funny how people react to the damage, which is decent)
I mean, bleed builds tear through pve, so if you want something strong in pve I'd try one of those.
I think I might be retired.
holy fuckaroonie the dlc dropped you silly hollows

shits pretty fucking great so far, dont know if its so difficult because I havent played ds3 in so long or because it actually has some upped difficulty.
yea my save data actually got deleted so i gotta play through the game again. I don't exactly have a problem with it, its just a wee bit demoralizing if anything. Damn you Dark Souls for not using cloud.

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
Originally Posted by Gargon View Post

I could almost fap to that

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Also holy fuck I fell in love with friede's scythe. Its just amazing.

Especially sine you can always choose when to continue the r1 weapon art combo, even after the whole combo is over. After the combo is over and you still have some stamina, you can be sure you are gonna hit your opponent. You basically stop after the combo, so they rush in, but you just press r1 again and they get fucked.

Not to mention that the weapon art by itself is devastating. The nice speed of normal hits is also great. I love this weapon
New dlc and pvp maps are pretty dope. For sure a step up from the last dlc.

sword spoiler