I think it's a pretty unique replay, I love the speed and angles of your spins and the dm's at the end were satisfying.
You're a great replaymaker so it's all gonna come down to nitpicking.
Standard opener, not good not bad
Personally I think the elbow slam on the ground in the beginning looks a bit sharp, if you know what I mean? Giving your wrist a lil bit of inwards bend, and letting your elbow extend a bit earlier would make it look a bit smoother and less painful.
The positioning at around 480 feels very oldschool TB, it's up to taste but it does stand out a little bit from the rest of the replay.
I think the switch in grabs at around 80 was smooth, gj on that
Would have love for you to challenge yourself with the pose as much as you did with the rest of the replay, it's quite an overlooked (or at least it was when I last played)
Really sick replay, would show this to my Tinder date
p.s. grab however much you want, this replay wouldn't be possible without those grabs