Christmas Lottery
A moi!

Vins is a ninja from the "old" Fr_Death school. When he came there, it was just to become a ninja. A french ninja. After 3 month he got borred of the "ninja attitude" and leaved for 6 month. When he came back the school was abandonned, it looked like that every ninja leaved a few month ago, maybe only a few days ago for the last. But he was alone. So he decided to revive the school, and became the leader of this school. Now he have a goal : he wants a torination for the french ninjas! He knows this may never happen, but he wants to try.
Before the ninja school he was in a previsions school. It's school were you learn how to guess how the oppent is going to move. He is good at this. And actually he looks like a big shadow ---> He is wearing a black ninja suit, the only thing you can see is his eyes. But you can't guess if they are blue, or green.

Also, he is very patient and comprensive and you'd better don't make him angry, because he can do exellent madmans on training ragdolls.
Ah and i nealy forgot ---> He has the worst humor in the world
Molick is a 14-year-old young boy who discovered toribash during a search(research) on a game(set,play) concerning the muscular joints(articulations). At the beginning he was the apprentice of uke, there him(it) was during 5 belts blue green orange yellow brown white is now black. He(it) of to thank his(its) master for the knowledge of which he(it) received from his(its) part .Ainsi after l training which supplied him(her) uke he(it) integrated(joined) the clan FR_DEATH.Il was faithful has this clan until achieve Of 6th black belt dan! He was eternally grateful to him(her) and he made him(her) promise gain(win) the toriconquest which(who) will soon take place.
Thank you has you in the big uke.
Molick is very compétant, grace(favour) has uke he has to gain(win) a lot of tournament which(who) have him(her) to help has to be soon full textures Waited has you that he gains(wins) tournaments

sign Molick 6th dan black belt
Last edited by malick; Mar 10, 2009 at 09:43 PM.
Les team que je vais mettre : moi, malick et sny et ensuite les 7 autres (firecedfr, Kelvin0, destru, ppt, Meuhgo, Toritrip, Alpha152) avec ppt et Meuhgo comme leaders (les 2 seuls qui comprennent l'anglais)
Je suis en train de rédiger le message alors les objections.... c'est dessuite.
Bon malick je te fais ta description >.<
A quoi tu ressembles mmmh.....
Last edited by vins84; Mar 10, 2009 at 11:59 PM.
I am someone respectful and I am also persist on my objective I somebody am a champion who gives up has nothing.That's whom I am ^^
J'ai mis que heu... tu ne t'enfuyais jamais, que tu étais cool et que tu venais des rues où tu te bagarrais.
Et que tu pries uke toutes les nuits aussi.