Buy parts seperatley
Own build
ohdear. you started that discussion with the wrong guy.
ok lets start off, we take a reasonable budget in terms of money.
i'd say something around 1000$ main purpose is gaming.
that's what i find on alienware's website close to that prize:
thats 1180$
now we take the single parts in that PC.
and buy them individually ( i havent looked up the specific parts exactly i went with semi cheaply.)
also needs a storage. so give it another 50-100$ tops.
case/power supply can be alternated too. so maybae add another 50$
Buy parts seperatley
if we now start building our very own PC. not directed by the Alienware shit we come up with this:
Own build
which sums up to 1011€ which converted is 1250$ so 70$ more than the alienware PC.
above mentioned one is specified to be extremley quiet and thus is saved a little in power. you could switch out the power supply and case and get a better GPU.
which nets you with more power for roughly the same price.
above build is btw my personal one which im going to buy once i have the money for it.
well either answer, what you actually want to pay or what your goal is with the PC.
goal as in, what games on what graphic settings you want to play.
according to that a build can be made.