All he has to do is pop ult at the adc, q in and spam w, use e incase adc's teammates try to get him.
then pop zhonya, use e/flash to escape and popping twinshadows to slow the nearest enemies.
Fizz was made to burst down carries.
Whoever uses e to engage with fizz is an idiot.
>enemy blitz grabs
>2 shotted by adc faster than I can blink
as mundo
>enemy blitz grabs
>free pentakill
as kha'zix
>enemy blitz grabs
>jump the fuck out and ult to get away faster
Fizz doesn't have an escape as reliable as the other champions with similar damage, his E is very useful though. He has great waveclear, but his really low hp is very bothersome. Say if the enemy jungle cho'gath lands rapture while your e is on cooldown because you were just running away from the opposing mid, then he silences you, then he ults? You're dead.
If you get grabbed by blitz q after the range nerf he got, you suck. You are thinking that blitz is the only support and fizz can use e to dodge blitz's q.
Also fizz has so many escapes. He has a q he can do on a enemy minion and a e that goes further then flash. So not sure what you are saying. Also cho can do that to most champs(especially adc), not JUST fizz. I played lots of games with fizz, I know what I am talking about :|
All he has to do is pop ult at the adc, q in and spam w, use e incase adc's teammates try to get him.
then pop zhonya, use e/flash to escape and popping twinshadows to slow the nearest enemies.
Fizz was made to burst down carries.
Whoever uses e to engage with fizz is an idiot.
What can I say, Assassins are naturally squishy, would be Overpowered to have a tanky assassin x3
Oh wait, Fizz is Overpowered anyway Dx
Seriously, the only person I had trouble killing was Ryze, that Q and Ryze's ability to be a tanky mage is bothersome.
I agree with Kat, I think at around high silver and gold he won't be used much due to the fact that he's melee and usually is farm starved. Pretty much he HAS to rely on being very aggressive in lane and if he doesn't he leaves lane weak. Also Uberis one game never proves anything. I've seen AD malz with smite and revive carry a game and that sure as hell doesn't mean he's fit for high elo games.
ALSO I disagree with the whole blitz adc thing, because if it's as late game as you're making it sound, I usually have a zhonya's and you just spam that when you get grabbed and then double E out of there.