Christmas Lottery
oh then. have fun ghosty <3
[2:39pm]culapou>i've killed over 500 people without stabbing them I can kill people with my bear hands if they ever try messing with me
Darian, Ghosting is boring as hell.
Then get your ass back down here. And post here as much as your ass could pull your shit down to the effing toilet.
Dammit ive got too much swearing today, i feel bad D:
we rub a mexican monkey
Originally Posted by Zesk View Post
nope, anyways you should try to be more active , etc..

I try, but I've had real life stuff to deal with
Made by Fenris
ohai samuel bobo tusinz
[2:39pm]culapou>i've killed over 500 people without stabbing them I can kill people with my bear hands if they ever try messing with me