Christmas Lottery

Also I want to ask something I was wondering for quite a while.
Where did you guys get your names?
Especially you, Dscigs.

Personally, my name is just random thoughts put together.
I sat in front of my compootar for an hour putting together random letters and seeing if I liked it.
After an hours I came up with dscigs, which I've now changed to Dscigs.
Note the capitalization of the D, very important.
Yay for name history.

A long time ago there was a dumbfucked kid who wanted to be a cool CoD player.
So he chose the name "Toxic"(BECAUSE THAT'S NEVER BEEN USED BEFORE!)
As time passed by he noticed the amount of players named Toxic so he changed to Toxik.
When this fella found toribash he wanted to be named Toxik but someone else had it so he tried with "Toxiik" wich was taken so he added "Ze" in the beginning.

As the fella matured he understood that the name sucked donkey shit so he got rid of the "Toxic" part and boom swish pow here's ZeTo.
I liked ZeToxiik
also hi zeto u butt busting queer.

i ate toast this morning.
since im here i came up with my name 'hobomoose' because i started an xbox clan called HoBo, and my name was HoBo Moose
then i played this so i made my name hobomoose but i got too swag and changed it to hobo
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Originally Posted by ZeTo View Post
Yay for name history.

A long time ago there was a dumbfucked kid who wanted to be a cool CoD player.
So he chose the name "Toxic"(BECAUSE THAT'S NEVER BEEN USED BEFORE!)
As time passed by he noticed the amount of players named Toxic so he changed to Toxik.
When this fella found toribash he wanted to be named Toxik but someone else had it so he tried with "Toxiik" wich was taken so he added "Ze" in the beginning.

As the fella matured he understood that the name sucked donkey shit so he got rid of the "Toxic" part and boom swish pow here's ZeTo.

That's cool. Let's spar.
I'm editing tho, and not in a sparry mood.
You have to be in a sparry mood if you want to have a good result.
more like, façade

i used to be TBashed because i rarely come up with ideas and it was related to toribash
now i'm pal for obvious reasons
Originally Posted by chamara View Post
Seems cool.

Congratulations, how much did you pay for it?

I paid 8k for it.

And i used the name KnightStar cause i had that name for many years not. But after a while i was turned into [Fa]bulous due to sex.
It's Fabulous
Originally Posted by chamara View Post

Also I want to ask something I was wondering for quite a while.
Where did you guys get your names?
Especially you, Dscigs.

Personally, my name is just random thoughts put together.

My first name was of this guy that claimed to be the oldest man in the world. It was a funny name but sucked also.

So I changed it to a boss character from a MMPORG I play quite often.