Originally Posted by
Tomias please make another proper application, if you leave the clan in anyway kicked or whatever, you still have to type up an application for our clan.
Name: My real name is Tamás Bacsa
Age: I am 16 years old
Belt: I have 5th Dan but almost to 6th Dan
Country and timezone: Hungary and GMT+1
How active are you in-game (1-10): 8/10 (2-3 hours/day)
Any clans you joined before us? If so, what were they, and why did you leave?: HS (2 years ago) i leaved with my friend because we are made one clan but hes became inactive and im leaved that clan too. TEKKEN (1 year ago) because the clan being dead and im joined this clan few months ago but im being inactive for 1 month and im kicked.
Contact information (Skype, Facebook, etc.): I have one Facebook profile for gaming things:
My e-mail adress is
[email protected]
Best mod(s), Favourite mod(s): My best mods are aikido, ABD, judofrac and im playing boxshu_mushuv3, lenshu and TK too
What do you want to contribute to the clan?: I can help in clan wars and be active on forum.
Any bans/infractions?: I have no bans/infractions
Why did you chose Ascend? anybody suggest you here?: I want to be the member of this clan again
Anything you'd like to add?: My player card
Post at least 1 single-player and 1 multi-player replay: I have no replays because my PC recovering now
Thank you for seeing my application