The new beanie from "Hole In the wall 4" event that I just got in my deac? Only 6 people have the item and you can upload textures on it.
Signed by PROVENZA
Originally Posted by akkashtin View Post
How much is full 512 and also 512 joints?

full 512x is between 230-280k these days depending on the seller
full 512x joints is between 400-600k again depending on the seller
How much is centurion worth? Looking to sell it.
find the dot,
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (you will find it some day)
How much are 1024x512 heads?
It seems like you can only buy them off players and get them in contests? I assume that's how the even larger ones work to?