Ok, we're (me in particular) watching for a reply. Just so you know, I'm the admin at those forums. If you'd like to see a set up of an example of forums there check out the Klan Opposition forum I set up there. It's not complete yet, but just to give you an idea. http://centerstagegaming.110mb.com/f...php?board=14.0
Also, the "Buttchouda's Achievements" are in there, if you'd like to get an idea of what those are like.
he's a talent at wushu,but he needs to train in both wushu and tk
he have said that he's not ready,when he'll be black I think he'll be powerful
but for now he retired his request
I know that,but he retired his request,and he was invited by relax all(from what I know).
I don't think he'll join that clan,but when he'll be stronger he'll try to join