Originally Posted by Desiderius View Post
Why don't we try a song that's really artistic and its longer then 4 minutes ... come one 4 minuets we need something that had real effort put in it like this song... its 10 hours long and its sentimental but you need to really listen to the lyrics.

Almost died of a Eargasm there.
If Kyou does the video it should be kyou to chose the song.
Kyou will know what is best for syncs,effects, transictions etc...
Do you really think you're in control
Originally Posted by Aitor21 View Post
what about serj tankian - empty walls

btw were the fck do you find this songs? lol

We'll kill you is fucking funny.
Also Emty walls is one of the deepest songs ever.

The meaning of '' Empty walls ''
start: homeland security system
:23 The twin towers
:39-:1:05 america gets mad and goes to war
2:00 Saddam Hussein's statue being pulled down
2:09 George Bush's Aircraft Carrier speech Where a giant "Mission Accomplished banner was strung around it yet the war continued...
2:27 child in a cage reminiscent of one of the Kenneth Bigley hostage videos
2:30 Satar Jabar from the Abu Ghraib prison pictures
2:45 Killing of unarmed people execution style ( the Hamdania incident)
Last edited by Slanesh; Oct 24, 2011 at 11:21 PM.
Zayex was kicked out of the clan due to inactivity.
Zayex last activity was 6 days ago.
Guys look out for that spam.
Do you really think you're in control
Originally Posted by iCo0n View Post
Zayex was kicked out of the clan due to inactivity.
Zayex last activity was 6 days ago.
Guys look out for that spam.

Why don't kick Zayex.
He was about to give me a BJ.

^ watch , its still in my head.
i agreee slanesh
ive also seen the most popular comment lol
nah jk
but your just mentioning facts that have happened
empty walls are empty minds who just dont think in the consequences something may have
why spend money on a coffins today for them?
the kids mindless imitate the adults and play war games but in the end they see the coffin of a dead soldier... and they realize that war is not a game people die suffer :O

check out flobots-handlebars for another deep song
its your father
yooouhhh man ints not my father
its a fcking cell phone
so i threw it on the ground!
edit 2:
and i agree with ico0n were becoming the thing of the vids really spamy
so i think e should stop posting vids
the vid editor doesnt give a sh*t about ower posts he will decide lol
Last edited by Aitor21; Oct 24, 2011 at 11:32 PM.