My answer is this...
I managed to find the riddle... here goes :
There is a dictator, who controls a very small country with a population of 100 people. One day, he decides to test if his country is intelligent so he goes to them and says "Tomorrow, I will line you up single file so that the person in the back can see everyone else, and the person in the front can see no one. I will then place a hat on each of your heads, either red or blue (the specific colors are irrelevent, you may request a different set of colors, and the distribution of the hats can be anything, 50/50, 83 red, 17 blue, or any combination of hats to make one hundred). Nobody will be allowed to talk or move unless I speak to them first, at which point they may only say one word and that word can either be blue or red, anything more and everyone dies. I will go to the person in the back, I will ask him what color hat he has, and I will begin a timer set for five minutes. At the end of this timer he must immediately say either "red" or "blue". If he answers correctly, he will live, if not, he will be shot in the head, so everybody knows he was wrong. I will proceed up the line asking each person. If you are intelligent enough, you will come up with a strategy to save at least 99 of the people in your town, If not, too bad. good luck." There are no bullshit answers like hold up a mirror, and they cannot see their own hats, there is a real answers.
My answer is this...
Your answer