ok noch eine frage:
Also ich möcht ein walkthrough zu nem spiel machen, ich recorde das mit fraps ( vollversion ) aber die syncro vom spiel audio und spiel selbst passt nicht zusammen.. hat jmd tipps?
I had this same problem (audio slowly went out of sync) but found a way to fix it. I'm using a Sound Blaster Audigy card.
I simply went to the sound card's settings page (control panel / device control), and changed the output audio quality sampling rate from 48 KHz to 44.1 KHz. That's it, audio now stays in sync when recording with FRAPS, no need to re-sync afterwards. The audio quality may be a bit lower, but the difference shouldn't be too big. The only options for my card are 44.1 KHz, 48 KHz and 96 KHz. I've tested with them all but sadly, only 44.1 KHz works without audio sync problems when recording with FRAPS.
I guess this might vary depending on the recorded application. I tested with 2 different games which both initially had out-of-sync audio. Changing the sampling rate to 44.1 KHz fixed them both.