Wow I did another mistake by trusting my teammates. Everyone with a V on are probably bad players. Just checked match histories and yeah. Over 800 games and still doesn't know how to last hit, ward and when to fall back. Best of Platinum V. Sad that people can't fall to a lower league. Now I'm on a 2 loss streak. I had like 10+ won games. And promo series to gold will probably fail. I have one last game left. If I won't succeed I'll just stop playing ranked as it has never been competitive. I can't really carry from jungle. I could only die by trying to save my teammates but then no one would engage/ disengage properly. Although I tend to do some mistakes but they aren't game changing like getting caught at level 18. I've been improving everyday but whenever somebody instalocks when I make a call for a lane I just know that the players cares more about himself and not the team. I've learned that games like that end pretty badly, cause proper teammates who really care about winning will solve the problem and take another role. Riven who instalocked top lane by arguing with me lost us the game. Darius went 8/0/0 when I was camping top. Riven didn't farm at all and just ran in and died. After the 4th gank to force Darius back Udyr came and I had to fall back. Our team was better at teamfighting so we won few early teamfights but they were too far ahead and they could just take all the objectives. I managed to steal 2nd or 3rd drake but it was already too late. Everyone was negative blaming me for not engaging and stuff. people got caught out and every enemy was outframing my teammates by like 50-100 minions. Except for jungler. Even I was ahead of my top and mid in creeps. Makes me so sad and angry at the same time. Eh, well I'll just beg for top, mid or adc next time. Champion select is one of the hardest parts of the game.
Now that I left my frustration here I can move on. I already feel better.