Zed has one of the higher learning curves out of champions, but he's pretty much a surefire instagib on a squishy during teamfights. And not so squishies from time to time as well.
nyan :3 Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Zed has one of the higher learning curves out of champions
actually i prefer those, probably its why i enjoy plaing him so much..
the squishy thing ohyea. had one game where i had with baron buff about 450 AD. used ult +E+Q on the enemy ADC, he was still at 60% life. ult proc and he instantly died.. was quite funny thoo
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Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken
Zed has one of the higher learning curves out of champions, but he's pretty much a surefire instagib on a squishy during teamfights. And not so squishies from time to time as well.