Sup guys, I don't think I'm an ally but here I go.
I'm good friends with a member of yours daxter99.
I will be active etc etc.
Sorry if you dont like my attitude at the moment, I'm just a bit down.s
Belt:yellow; Test me please before you say im to low of a belt to join.
How long have you been playing TB?:2 weeks
Forum Activity (From 1-10):8
In-Game Activity (From 1-10):7
Any infractions/bans?:No
Personal skills: Art
hey guys. I hate that i have to say this. Now, I'm going to senior high school. So, yeah, i maybe just can online here sometimes. once a month, twice a moth, not too often like before. Very very sorry guys. I'm sure killer will be back soon. And i'll tell this to killer too. Please, Concon, daxter, help me and killer. We don't want this clan die. So, please help us. Thanks. I'll be still online often until I go to school.