If you make a clanvideo, use me as Uke.
That would be pretty poetic, since you'd kinda showing off the anger of me leaving and ditchin' you up.
Also your only chance to beat me up, huehuhe
Zozo and Moncho this is good beause you can be more Active if you post
Zoro*. And I'm already a member. And one of the more active ones on the forum.
Originally Posted by Moncho62
You should join them Zoro!! <3
I think it's an eVo only thing. I can't spar that well anyway.
Originally Posted by Daddy
If you make a clanvideo, use me as Uke.
That would be pretty poetic, since you'd kinda showing off the anger of me leaving and ditchin' you up.
Also your only chance to beat me up, huehuhe
That whole childish angst thing, ya know, beat up your dad in rebellion?
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I'm like... supposed to advocate for Team Aikido or something. Click that link if you're great at aikido.
If you make a clanvideo, use me as Uke.
That would be pretty poetic, since you'd kinda showing off the anger of me leaving and ditchin' you up.
Also your only chance to beat me up, huehuhe