So what you're trying to say is that he's probably gay, yes?
Originally Posted by Espanols
can i join im swag and yolo im a cool kid prepare for epic smiley fayce
*mi ddlefinger*
Hmmm, account made this may, 9 posts, not suspicious at all.
I sell TC and I give loans. PM me for info. Need help with market? PM Ryan
<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.
A culture averse to any form of physical contact in public – and hence to kissing – is the Chinese, as mentioned above. However, in 2004, a supermarket with the fascinating name “Everybody is Happy” in the Chinese municipality of Tianjin called out a kissing contest on Valentine’s Day. This caused huge controversies between their more conservative, older customers and the younger ones – however, the kissing contest took place with great success. In Japan, the so-called western or Christian wedding ceremony has more and more commonly replaced the traditional Japanese wedding – and is thus sealed with a wedding kiss. However, in most of the cases, the kiss is planted on the cheek rather than on the lips.