the new msater yi is fuckin absurd. Whoever redesigned him and just the entire balance team letting him go through is a fucking joke. This is about on par as release leblanc/vayne
the new msater yi is fuckin absurd. Whoever redesigned him and just the entire balance team letting him go through is a fucking joke. This is about on par as release leblanc/vayne
except now he can easily get them super low hp.
he's a fucking beast right now and freelo, I cant wait until he gets nerfed to the ground. Also thornmail doesnt mean shit with lifesteal + lw + true damage which any yi with half a brain should be building. Thornmail is one of the worst items to build vs ad, randuins and fh are much better and yi still shits through that since someone thought it would be a good idea to give him scaling true damage, cause that's always been proven to be a great idea.