Cut throat, Beotch-Awsome. No need to edit! NEED to be in as madman in the chorus!
Your a dead man!-Haha!! Split his body with a nut kick! No edit. Also, madman in the chorus!
rHeadless-Good tough... Just need a end pose.
Just fix the last one... But the rest is awsome!
Bumhit-Nirs punch based! Awsome, should be in too.
knee ownage-Fine and classic ^^!
Ownage headbut-Hahahah LoL!! You realy used your head now ^^!
All should be in!
Sexy, ty! And Thankyou for puing me into your signature ^^! Put GrayveXP ^^! So plp will know me ^^
Also everyone!! POST MORE REPLAYS!!! And can you guys comment about mines? (Only 10 replays max for each one is good? Cuz I have eleven...)
Last edited by GrayveXP; Dec 21, 2009 at 05:03 AM.