This made me laugh.

Most anticipated games for PS4 and XboxOne?

Metal Gear Solid: Phantom Pain
If you're going to ask me what Metal Gear Solid is I'll gladly stab your imaginary friend.
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
Only ones I can think of which i'd love to play, and that I know many others will be waiting for are:

- Killzone: Shadow Fall
- Fifa 14
- Call Of Duty: Ghosts
- Battlefield 4

I also heard that there's a new Rainbow 6 and Infamous coming out on it too :o
Originally Posted by Gotkicks2 View Post
Metal Gear Solid: Phantom Pain
If you're going to ask me what Metal Gear Solid is I'll gladly stab your imaginary friend.


Also, Watch Dogs and Killzone (However, my new gaming pc has a higher priority atm, so MGS and Killzone will have to wait)

Last edited by Pitch; Nov 5, 2013 at 04:04 PM.
What about Assassin's Creed: Black Flag?
Personally I got bored of the Assassin's Creed games because they are the same thing just different story!

Also why do everyone hates Call of Duty: Ghosts, seems pretty good game imo.
Originally Posted by Pitch View Post

Also, Watch Dogs and Killzone (However, my new gaming pc has a higher priority atm, so MGS and Killzone will have to wait)


I guess I'm in! I kinda like Ecto, with the fitting set.
I'll just talk about exclusive games, since anything else I'm likely to play on PC if it runs well.

Infamous 2: Second Son.
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture.
Deep Down.
Maybe The Order: 1886, if it offers something more than people with "steampunk" guns fighting "supernatural" foes. Boy, we haven't seen that before. At this point guns are fucking boring.
I don't think Knack will be my thing.

Xbone: Nothing. Seriously. Guns. More guns. Cars. God of War ripoff(Ryse: Son of Rome). Minecraft(After all only 5 million people have bough it on a PC, surely they would want to play it again on the Xbone).
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Playstation 2
XBOX... One?

Xbox is trying too hard. I'd prefer a playstation. Does anyone know any PS games other than Little big planet? Because I don't.